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August 26, 2006


Stephanie Weaver

Hi Holly,
I had the exact same reaction as you did to these commercials, although the one I saw showed a mother and daughter. The daughter "confessed" to playing spin the bottle at a party, then the mother said she already knew about it. As I recognized the "mother" as an actress, the whole thing creeped me out as well. I think it's the case of a company trying to capitalize on the appeal of sites like PostSecret.com, which are real people sharing real (and frequently depressing, awful, or shameful) secrets in total anonymity. I do give them credit for including thoughts like "I like other girls" in the copy on the Web site, but overall think this is a bust.
Stephanie Weaver

Rob Fields

I have to agree with you and Stephanie. I'd jumped on this earlier because I had to see this awful campaign every day on my subway commute. Here are my comments:

Mary Schmidt

Well, ick (yes, that's my highly professional marketing opinion.)

This could be a fun campaign IF the viewer told something "nobody knows about me" and kept it light and silly. For example, we could share our secret addictions to things like Swedish Fish ;-)


I just saw one of these commercials for the first time and was freaked out. I had to reply it several times on my Tivo to belive if I heard what I thought I just heard. It was two friends and ones secret is that she dosen't ever want children and the other women announces she is having a baby. Very Weird.


I had the same experience with the same commercial. It was actually aired during SNL and I thought it was a joke. My husband told me it was a real commercial. I don't even understand what this has to do with anti-perspirant and how they plan to sell more of it with these ads. My husband and I did get a good laugh though. Sooo stupid. Embarassingly stupid.

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who had the catch phrase, "keep that shower fresh feeling all day..."


Does anyone know where I can find a link to this view this commercial ad?


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