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November 13, 2012



Particularly when a woman is contributing income to the household, life insurance will be able to replace the missing income is she dies. But even if she isn't, losing a stay-at-home partner can result in child-care costs, time off work for the newly single parent, or just the cost of final expenses.

And get this: according to the U.S. Census,
- 17 million kids live only with their mother
- 1/3 of all single mothers have no life insurance
- most of the other two-thirds are underinsured.

A major impediment to women owning life insurance, surveys have found, is that they think life insurance is way more expensive than it actually is.

The solution to that is to go look at real rates. You can easily check out the cost of term life using an online term insurance quoting engine. (Look for one that compares rates from many top companies and that doesn't require you to provide your phone number to see quotes.)


I am agree with you. If her partner die without leavening lot of wealth, she will sufferer for financial support. As a result, her children will be the worst victim. So, every women have to realize the importance of Life Insurance to the point.


Women are relying on employer provided insurance coverage. Our study showed that 49% of people accept their employer provided insurance coverage as their only insurance coverage source. People are blindly accepting the amount their employer provides.

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