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May 23, 2012


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Nice post, Ron. I'm a long-time fan of Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind as well as an entrepreneur and csuonltant.I agree that a shift in perspective can be as simple as letting in one new thought. Then you have to choose to nurture that newness.With a little practice, I think anyone can learn to take a step away from being immersed in the problem. I find the most important factor is remembering to make that shift rather than knowing how. Often realizing it's necessary is all that's needed. That's a 1% difference indeed.


To have a chance for true cahgne, we must take lesson from our past Our history proves we have a foundation of rebellious nature among other questionable behaviors. Let's not argue that but accept it! Now we have a rebellious president who refuses to do things based on the same old policies, procedures and political traditions. I have read the opinions and blogs of others on various website, I see a people afraid of the unknown Without rebellious people like OBAMA true leaders do not exists! If there were not rebellious people standing up for civil rights of woman and minorities than we would still be living in a world as backwards as some third world countries. Without people who are not afraid to admit that the old policies, procedures and practices of this nation are failing the people than progress will not be made. To break free from a failing system something completely new and different must take place and many will not understand the new at first.Obama's leadership style is democratic meaning internal drives and impulses that are centered on human relations and teamwork. He fosters communication that is open and usually two-way creates a spirit of collaboration and joint effort that result in staff satisfaction. I agree he does have some traits of permissive (laissez-faire) style, internal drives and impulses that tend to have some established policies; but abstains from complete leadership. What that tells me about President Obama is that he has enough humility and compassion for others to admit that being the President of the United States is not a ONE MAN JOB! Unless it is Jesus Christ himself than there is not a MAN capable, trustworthy or intelligent enough to handle that load! He is a leader who teaches us to work together. As humans we are all imperfect and until we all fully grasps that concept than many President Bush’s (prideful and self centered) will destroy this country. I wish people would stop judging and being so critical instead ask how they can help. We have a leader who does not mind gathering intelligent minds together so working towards the best possible solution can be achievable. Based on history the democrats do not have all the answers and nor do the Republicans, but given the opportunity to come together no one can come against us! Finally, remember another piece of American history: United we stand divided we fall. We use to be the leading nation in many aspects but now each side, each party and the American people have become so prideful and selfish that we are destroying the fabric that made us great. Yet, one day we will die but our children learning from our mistakes we continue in those mistakes only to destroy what little we have left behind. We cannot continue in the old way the new way must come even if it is uncomfortable at first.Jesus was a rebel in his day too, breaking the traditions of religious leaders and political powers of that time.


If it is 48% failure, the world perwos of nations can take it that Obama stands true to his morals of charisma with which he came into Power to represent the most powerful democracy that is highly sensitively based where mind’s temporary imperfection stands to catch up with the change that was necessary for America and necessary for the world at large to reckon in human terms.One year of Obama’s role is insufficient to make an assessment because dilution of Presidential Charisma to match with public consumption is not a joke – I would therefore say 48% failure rating as projected is “transition”—and not a fact because it is related with the performance of relative time over which his (Obama’s) Charisma stands linked with the Infinite of Its unconscious state in him evolving and what is evolving as good can only indicate at present that (Obama) needs 4 years plus – to make things smooth for America and the world; reason – because he is a natural being blessed to receive inputs on his charisma to make mind’s temporary imperfections to move with his flexibility on them that are in the offing after the initial grounds appearing disturbing have been laid both for America as nation and the world tiding over the past governing history of this good earth.Well, this is a short and sweet comment on what stands reported.


obama is a total failure, he has only achsepliocmd one thing in his first year andthat was having a beer summit. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with beer.But hosting a beer summit by the president makes the US a laughing stock of the entire world.He spent the entire year trying to ram down our throats his idea of health care which the country is completely against, but would old big ears o bama listen to the people of the USA? He doesn’t and he didn’tStop the MadnessStop the MadmanImpeach o bama


I do believe that Obama is aarget president but he is got to walk the talk .leadership is from God and He has his reasons why He chose him.because when you look back in Obama`s life line you can tell exactly what God had plannned for him .(retriever)And Americans should be very proud to have aleader like him ..just imagine if Museven was the American President.iswear America would be like congo.

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