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May 17, 2011


Ayesha Mathews-Wadhwa

Possessing a healthy relationship with your significant other is one aspect, but possessing a healthy relationship with your children is the all-encompassing package. In both these videos, they show father's being caring and nurturing, not the mother.

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Great post!


Couldn't agree with you more, Holly. Great post.

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Possessing a healthy relationship with your significant other is one aspect, but possessing a healthy relationship with your children is the all-encompassing package. In both these videos, they show father's being caring and nurturing, not the mother.

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but possessing a healthy relationship with your children is the all-encompassing package. In both these videos, they show father's being caring and nurturing, not the mother.

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These ads are very catchy. It's great that they are seemingly simple, but you will recognize that their viewer impact is very strong. The ads also promote having a fun father-son relationship.

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I agree with Ayesha. While I have a good relationship with my son, he and my husband have an even better one. It is a refreshing change to see the father be the caring adult for once and not the mother who has that perceived expectation.

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Well usually i let my wife to make the accounts and stuff like that because she better on that than me, and she really seems to enjoy, when i meet her a few years ago she never work in administration but know she's working in one HP offices as administrator and she never make studies or something related, she's just good at it.

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No one has the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. You're inrecroct. There are laws that people can't use drugs, that people can't have doctor-assisted suicide, and women get in trouble for giving fetal alcohol syndrome to their fetus. If you are truly pro-choice, then we women should have these rights to do with their bodies what we choose, outside of abortion.

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Both teams have 15 takeaways. Colts Peyton Manning is third with a score of 105.2. New England Tom Brady is the sixth to 99.2.


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