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August 08, 2010



What a GREAT recap!
This was my first BlogHer but not my last no way!
A very inspiring experience!
Thanks so much

Jordan 8

Count your age with friends but not with years. Good luck to you!!


Really great recap - and some wonderful quotes too.

It was my first time, so what I wrote was more of a lessons-learned and no where nearly as thought-provoking or touching as yours.

I'm loving reading the recaps.

As for that one quote - yeah, what's the deal with people standing up to ask questions that aren't really questions at all? I found that REALLY annoying, myself.

Gina McCauley

Thank you for this write up. I didn't know I was so quoteable. It's all a blur when you're up there on the panel. I love the recap.


So grateful you wrote up the notes I scribbled and the ones I missed, too! Great recap.

Susan Woolf

Thank you for this fantastic post - especially correlation of exhaustion with spelling. Was at the conference and loved every minute of it. Reading your post was like watching (reading) a highlight real.


This is the first post I have read that describes the actual seminars, workshops and speeches instead of the parties and swag. It inspires me to continue blogging and making a difference.

RookieMom Heather

This is a great recap post. Bravo!

The male porn star quote is wrongfully attributed to Julie Marsh. It was her session, but the quote was from a commenter... we just need to extrapolate from the gay porn star name to find someone with the same last name. Can't help you beyond that.


The baby with the registered domain whose mom was there and blogs on that site is Ian Stryker: http://ianstryker.com/

I had the pleasure of meeting the mom and the cute baby boy in the elevators. Perhaps the best 2 hours of my conference. (OK, we weren't REALLY in the elevator for 2 hours - it only felt like it...)

Holly Buchanan

Thanks for correcting the Ian Stryker baby name quote - that totally cracked me up.

Gina - you didn't know you were quotable? Really? I was, like, writing down every other sentence. You must be a talk show host dream

Thanks to all- it was an amazing conference. So many smart articulate women in one place. Wish I could have recorded every word.

Eden Godsoe

Our first ever BlogHer event (or really blogging-related event) and couldn't have been more impressed. Such an amazing, diverse group of women...and of course some men too!

We just posted a BlogHer 2010 Top 10 Questions quiz on our site that has questions ranging from # of hotel roommates or drinks consumed to the more serious panel attendance and key takeaways. It just went up but will share results when we have more answers.


Kelly Watson

This looks like so much fun. I just read another BlogHer recap post that was more critical of the event, saying it was more about connecting brand sponsors with free advertising than it was about promoting and empowering women bloggers. In any case, it will be interesting to see how big corporations and advertising dollars affect this influential medium.

C.B. Whittemore

Holly, what a terrific recap of BlogHer! I could feel the energy from the event in your summary and quotes. Thanks so much. Hope you are well. Best, CB


Thanks for sharing the quotes with us. This post is highly impressive as well as interesting. Great recap of BlogHer it was an amazing conference with much smarter women. Thanks for sharing with us...


Thanks for sharing the quotes. The recap of Blog Her was just amazing.

Bi Sadong

Wow, great recap. Thank you for sharing. Really appreciate it.

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Good to know about this alluring post. I think women could result in better business values development. I liked all the information in the article as it can result me in a much better business development. Thanks again for the sameā€¦

lage hjemmeside

That was a very serious that the cameras could be confiscated. Isn't that a bit over reaction?

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This is excatly what I was looking for. But I really didnot wish to let him stay alone at home because he is just too cute and sweet. Now we can plan ourweekend accordingly where he may also enjoy.

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Well usually i let my wife to make the accounts and stuff like that because she better on that than me, and she really seems to enjoy, when i meet her a few years ago she never work in administration but know she's working in one HP offices as administrator and she never make studies or something related, she's just good at it.

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he Digital Lowdown will focus on the challenges facing artists and labels in the world of digital music distribution and is written by veteran industry expert Steven Corn.


of Social Media blog has used Community Maps to create a party map for @blogher11. c2a0Kerri used an eembdded map with a custom layer for the party info all managed from a Google Docs spreadsheet. c2a0The blog also has a feature called Social


Three cheers for Skype!! Great ineontivn, no? I actually used it for a work conference call the other day when my phone died (story of my life). We no longer have a land line, so when my cell is out it proves to be a little tricky.And this is totally another reason to go to BlogHer, no? Skype after parties Kristie Price recently posted..


Great post, MJ. Elizabeth Edwards was a fighter for hlateh care for everyone because she believed in America as a just society. This simple fact about her is more important than all the news about her husband's infidelity.


I hope you make it. I'm toying with the idea baeucse we'll have frequent flyer miles, but have to see how things go in Water Polo for my son. It's the same weekend as Junior Olympics and if his team makes it that's what I'll be doing.I think it would be a great thing for you.

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