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May 20, 2010


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Nov13billy makasih byanak buat flo, metamorf, maupun left hand yang selalu mensupport kami selama ini. semoga kami juga bisa lebih cepat maju dan bisa berkembang bersama kalian..Suksess terus buat kalian Kawan2koe chaaYyooo!!! GP band-


Jun30siwi tisna aduhhh gatneng2 dominoband cool abiz kapan konser gie dibau2 sulawesitenggara,, hujan deras HP q sampek ilang tak bela2in hixxxxx,,, you oll thebest,, ehhhh ternyata pas jam o2.oo pagi makan di rumah makan lamongan samping rmah q,,, kata nya klu tau nggak perlu jauh2 gue tunggu ku tunggu di dpan rmh q domino gie mkn tengah malam fto ma tman q pake baju merah kak ifan heeee ayooo kapan datang lagie thanx


@BlushInk I agree. The overuse of aconmyrs drives me crazy- especially cutesy ones. "BD" in particular. We're grown women. Can we not just say "sex"? It's only one extra letter.I guess I've used euphemisms to avoid being vulgar, but I prefer a more straightforward approach as well.Perhaps it's because I've come across women in real life that are so embarrassed that they are unable to talk about their own bodies in biological/scientific terms and I think that's sad.


I never used to use them. I'm a terrible speellr and I thought by spelling words out I was challenging myself to spell better...same thing went for notes in college, I never used short hand.Now I use some of the acronym's, but it really depends on who I am talking to or where I am posting. If someone asked me a questions and I wasn't sure how familiar they were with the different abbreviations I would spell it out and add the abbreviation so they knew for next time.

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