When I used to think of Progressive Insurance, nothing came to mind. Yeah, I knew their name, but if you said, "Progressive Insurance," there was a blank space between my ears.
Now, when you say "Progressive Insurance," I can't help but smile. Why? Because a vivid picture of Flo comes to mind. I can hear her voice reciting some of my favorite lines from the TV commercials.
When I think of Progressive, I think of Flo. And that's a good thing. Because I have an emotional connection with Flo I could never have with a nameless faceless insurance company. And it appears I'm not alone.
Progressive moves up the insurance brand rankings
Here are the Brand Keys Customer Loyalty Index rankings for Insurance
brands for 2010
Brand 2010 Ranking
- Allstate
- Progressive
- Geico
- State Farm
- Nationwide
Brand 2009 Ranking
- Allstate
- Geico
- State Farm
- Nationwide
- Progressive
Robert Passikoff, president of Brand Keys, explains the rise of Progressive Insurance on his blog
Progressive brand ranked 5th in our Brand Keys' 2009 Customer Loyalty
and Engagement Index. It held the #2 spot in January 2010 --a dramatic
year-to-year shift that was mirrored in both their stock price and
market success of the brand.So, where did this leap come from? Well, it certainly wasn't from
increased awareness of the brand, as it was already well-known before
consumers were calling it their own. One need only do a quick search on
You Tube to see not only the number of hits for their commercials, but
the spontaneous quotes that accompany the ads--almost always about Flo,
the cheery but deceptively sharp spokesperson in Progressive's ad campaign.When looking at spokespeople for insurance brands, Dennis Haysbert for
Allstate and the gecko for Geico barely edge Flo out, and she is
breathing down their necks. More importantly, she showed an increase of
nearly 20 points in our study of strongest brand spokespeople for 2010--
an indicator that she has tapped into an emotional crevice that many
consumers are simply crazy about.
Flo appeals to me for so many reasons. First, she is a woman. Which sets her apart from Allstate, Geico, and pretty much every other insurance company spokesperson. Second, she is smart, friendly, caring, and witty as all get out.
Flo is the perfect example of how marketing to women can also be very effective for men. Most of the insurance buyers in the commercials are men. (It's the one thing I'd change about the campaign if I could). But even if the buyers are men, women can relate to Flo.
When customers think of your brand, do they draw a blank? Or do they have a clear picture of someone who makes them smile and feel connected?
BTW - you can now even dress like flo. Check it out.
Brands have to be such so that customers instantly feel connected.Liked the details of your post.Do write more like this one.Helps raise my awareness.Thanks a lot for this one.
Posted by: Custom Programming | July 12, 2010 at 03:26 AM
Well that's great news for Progressive. This industry is very competitive, and each company has to work for each and every client.
Posted by: Personal Insurance | September 13, 2010 at 03:22 PM
This is a really good read for us.I think that you must be one of the best blogger I ever saw.There is a lot of helpful information within those links.Thanks for posting this informative article.
Posted by: Buy Car Insurance | October 15, 2010 at 06:17 AM
Nov13billy makasih byanak buat flo, metamorf, maupun left hand yang selalu mensupport kami selama ini. semoga kami juga bisa lebih cepat maju dan bisa berkembang bersama kalian..Suksess terus buat kalian Kawan2koe chaaYyooo!!! GP band-
Posted by: Ashley | September 22, 2012 at 09:55 PM
Jun30siwi tisna aduhhh gatneng2 dominoband cool abiz kapan konser gie dibau2 sulawesitenggara,, hujan deras HP q sampek ilang tak bela2in hixxxxx,,, you oll thebest,, ehhhh ternyata pas jam o2.oo pagi makan di rumah makan lamongan samping rmah q,,, kata nya klu tau nggak perlu jauh2 gue tunggu ku tunggu di dpan rmh q domino gie mkn tengah malam fto ma tman q pake baju merah kak ifan heeee ayooo kapan datang lagie thanx
Posted by: Yuri | September 22, 2012 at 11:41 PM
@BlushInk I agree. The overuse of aconmyrs drives me crazy- especially cutesy ones. "BD" in particular. We're grown women. Can we not just say "sex"? It's only one extra letter.I guess I've used euphemisms to avoid being vulgar, but I prefer a more straightforward approach as well.Perhaps it's because I've come across women in real life that are so embarrassed that they are unable to talk about their own bodies in biological/scientific terms and I think that's sad.
Posted by: Shreyas | September 23, 2012 at 07:59 AM
I never used to use them. I'm a terrible speellr and I thought by spelling words out I was challenging myself to spell better...same thing went for notes in college, I never used short hand.Now I use some of the acronym's, but it really depends on who I am talking to or where I am posting. If someone asked me a questions and I wasn't sure how familiar they were with the different abbreviations I would spell it out and add the abbreviation so they knew for next time.
Posted by: Erivelton | September 23, 2012 at 12:12 PM