I was talking with a client recently who commented that he had just discovered some of the services I offer.
"Holly, I just learned you do newsletter reviews. I had no idea and now I'm quite interested. I wonder how many others don't know that?"
Yeah. My bad. I write this blog to provide value to anyone who wants to learn more about marketing to women. I go out of my way to not be "salesy." But yes, I offer a variety of marketing to women services to help you improve your results. Here's a sample:
Who is this for? E-commerce, service, or B2B companies who have a website they think can do a better job of either selling products to, or generating leads from women.
What’s included? A review of your website to rate how “women friendly” it is.
Rating points based on:
Male vs. female communication style – how your copy is worded, website personality
Female friendly design– navigation, design feng shui, images
Female friendly content – UVP, About Us page, use of anxiety reducing elements, use of video and other multi-media, how well you answer her questions and address her objections.
Women Friendly Email/Newsletter Review
Who is this for? Companies who have an email program, but are looking for ways to leverage it to drive more sales, leads, and build relationships with the women on their list.
What’s included? Review of use of subject lines, email copy and landing pages to create a female friendly experience
Relationship building and transactional email strategy review
Women Friendly Social Media Review
Who is this for? Companies and brands who want to tap into the cost effective/viral relationship building opportunities of social media.
What’s included? Review of your existing social media efforts. Strategy for promoting your business using social media (Facebook, Twitter, blogs, Communities)
For more information and pricing, contact me at Holly@thesoccermommyth.com.
I offer other services as well including speaking at events and training. For a complete list visit Holly Buchanan's marketing to women services.
I have a fabulous group of clients (you know who you are :), but I'm always looking for new clients to help. For me there is no greater high than seeing my clients succeed.
P.S. - I'm working on a killer presentation with co-presenters Tom Jordan, author of Re-Render the Gender, and Gloria Moss, author of Gender, Design and Marketing. I predict this will be the single best marketing to women training available this year. If you're interested in finding out more - shoot me an email at Holly@thesoccermommyth.com.
As a former colleague of Holly's that's seen her work up-close-and-personal, I can say that she's not only going out of her way not to be sales-y, but also not to appear immodest. Holly has historically had absolutely phenomenal results optimizing e-mail campaigns, and her gut-level intuition in this area is eerily, preternaturally accurate. I always ran all of my female personas and female-centric copy by her before putting it out into the wild.
- Jeff
Posted by: Jeff | July 16, 2009 at 01:26 PM
Aw shucks. Thanks Jeff.
I think that's the first time "preternaturally" has ever been used to describe my skills.
Thanks for the kind words.
Posted by: Holly Buchanan | July 17, 2009 at 02:45 PM