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July 22, 2009


web development

It was a lovely post to read.Emailing is the current trend and it really takes one's relationship with the customers a long way.Thanks.

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Thanks for taking the time to help, I really apprciate it.

Email Marketing

Testing changes is great advice, not enough email marketers do it. That said, testing a change after you make it isn't ideal. If your list is big enough, try split it up into a control group and a test group. If you simply make a change in frequency and compare it to last month's numbers, you may not be accounting for outside influences. For example, I bet recipients have a different willingness to deal with lots of emails around the holidays.

Abigayle Soderstrom

Like every other marketing strategy, digital marketing has pros and cons as well. This new breed of marketing can save time and money while reaching a larger number of customers. But the larger scope also means you have to be more careful with what you put out.

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Awesome thanks alot share with us!!

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