If a woman comes to your website and looks at a product (visits a product page), but then leaves without taking any action, most websites would consider that an unsuccessful visit. She did not convert (buy the product she looked at). But was that really an unsuccessful visit?
ScanAlert has a fascinating new study out tracking how long it takes people to buy products online (from first visit to the website to completing the transaction). This study measures all visitors, not just women, but the results are still very relevant.
Grokdotcom studied the results from the report.
A new study suggests that online shoppers are taking twice as long to buy as they did just two years ago. From May 2005 to May 2007, the difference between customer's first visit to a site and the time they bought increased from 19 hours to over 34 hours.
Many are attributing this rise to more comparison shopping. Women are big comparison shoppers. But don't be fooled into thinking it's all about price. Finding something that is "just right" is very important to her. She also has a lot of people to please. If she's planning a vacation, it may take a while to get consensus from the whole family.
But there's another factor to take into consideration. Women are extremely time starved. They grab a few minutes here, a few minutes there. She might start her search at work during her lunch break, then continue it at home when she has a free moment.
Plus, some sales cycles are just longer than others. A new book or shirt might be an impulse buy, but choosing health insurance, or buying a new car will likely take more time, thought, and research.
So, she may have visited and left without buying, but that may not necessarily be an unsuccessful visit. Make sure you measure more than just conversion to a sale. Is she visiting pages where she's getting important information about your products? Is she checking out your return policies? Is she signing up for a newsletter or downloading a pdf or viewing a video? These are all measurable actions she is taking. Make sure you are planning for and measuring these actions as well.
Check out the full report.