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September 25, 2006



Oy. I had roughly that experience recently. The lack of info makes me wonder if the whole industry is confused about what they can say/advise/put on a website without the FBI coming after them. It just has that feel of, "When in doubt, don't say anything - that way we can't be sued".

Or else they don't know their own technology. Maybe a little of both.

Michele Miller

Ah yes... it's a wonder electronics companies sell anything at all, isn't it? Imagine how frustrating it must be for those who don't know ANYTHING about high tech!

By the way, the next time you need to copy a DVD, I can recommend a free little software program called HandBrake. Lets you rip the DVD into your computer and then burn it to a blank... I know, I know... too late! :-)


A DVD will not show available space, but it will still allow you to copy, plus once a sisseon is closed it will show up as zero space available, no matter how much you have actually used.Is the DVD/RW ? If so you may need to format it to use.Are you using a DVD drive and not just a CD drive, common mistake.Lastly it could simply be faulty DVD, does it have any scratches etc?

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