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January 15, 2006



The link you posted for Gord's article is subscriber only, any way to fix that?


While I have not read the Hotchkiss article nor seen other references to women using the Internet primarily as a communications channel in response to the Pew Study, I do agree with your arguments. My perspective is influenced by my job with a trade association, of which the majority is women, and anecdotal perceptions from discussions with my wife. I too have found the opposite about women being more patient or more comfortable browsing. They seem to be much more quickly irritated by the waste of time than men (who think they’ll get it figured out in another minute or two). Fast, easy, useful – those seem to be three of the most critical factors.


How much of these differences can be attributed to culture versus gender?


Kajuru, sou fe3 de ambos, neto e vc, entretanto, pela priimera vez achei que vc pipocou!!! Ne3o questionar o Neto apf3s lhe ouvir dizer que pf5e a me3o no fogo por Andes foi lamente1vel. Lf3gico que o Neto tem direito de gostar de quem bem entender, mas, por se dizer uma pessoa do bem, no que acredito, deveria ser indagado do por que uma pessoa com tal qualidade defende, gosta e consegue ser amiga de um dos piores ce2nceres do futebol brasileiro!!! Foi lamente1vel!!!! Um deslize imperdoe1vel, que ne3o condiz com sua histf3ria, personalidade e compromisso com teus fe3s, que, assim como eu, ficaram decepcionados!!!Grande abrae7o!


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I also feel that bloggers do influence purchase.Well i did not know and still don't believe that there a gender thing working here.Thanks for the post.Gave me deeper knowledge on the subject.

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