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January 08, 2006


Jeffrey Eisenberg

I know I still have to read the report but thank to you I can now hold off until after my vacation. Great job!

Yvonne DiVita

Holly, this was a terrific consolidation. I hope readers pay especial attention (is especial a word?) to the power of Word of Mouth. That's so HUGE with women. This blog proves it - where do we go for all the best marketing to women data, why...right here!

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WAW! that is just fascinating! I mean- who would ever think there are such differences. I am very happy to see though that there aren't that many differences in the technological abilities, but more in preferences and "safety" issues. The minority groups part is also very interesting! Thanks you very much, I think I will use some of this in my work!

SEO Agencies

It's really interesting to see the differences in internet usage between men and women and between different generations. I think that although the internet is so popular these days, it's usage will decrease over the next couple of decades. People will realize that there's more to life than a computer screen. But you never know, this is only my opinion. Thanks for posting these stats though!

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