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January 25, 2006


Michele Miller

Awesome post, Holly. This is the perfect experience that relates how every tiny thing registers in a woman's mind. You will be including this post in the you-know-what, right?

Even the smallest touches can make a world of difference. I'm reminded of the Delta Winnipeg Hotel, which surprised me with toasty warm (heated) bathroom floors and a simple card placed on my pillow each night, telling me what the weather report was for the next day. That little item alone has had me talking about the hotel for more than a year now, and will certainly be my destination of choice when I return there.


This may sound weird, but my art teacher used to do it all the time.He told me that he would call up the bus stoatin people (I guess the city transit department) and ask them if he could collect any broken glass that they had picked up/are going to pick up from damaged bus shelters.You can try it..it worked for him!

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