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November 23, 2005


Jinal Shah

What a wonderful idea! If I owned a liquor company, I knew who I'd go to.

Mary Schmidt

Hey, will your family adopt me? And, I can certainly relate. It's incredibly "non-PC" but sometimes the best/only thing to do is to just sit (on a floor or elsewhere) and get wasted with people who love you. Would be a great commercial - but I don't think we'd see it on the Hallmark channel ;-)

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Sep29 Okay, wow first off LOVE that your mom replied to this blog post! Too good!Second since this debtae exhausts me I only have a few things to say in response to one of your statements: In regards to women in church leadership, a very real risk is run by taking a stance on either side. If you take the stance of complimentarianism and are in fact wrong, you have impeded God’s work by denying his daughters the ability to exercise their God given talents in your church. If, on the other hand, you take a stance on egalitarianism and are wrong, you have completely disobeyed a command of God and allowed something that He has specifically forbidden. Which is the lesser of two evils? Two things:1 lesser of two evils weird wording. 2 I just can't get over the fact that God would so strictly forbid a woman to further the gospel growing the Kingdom, and that He wouldn't want us to live in equal and loving marriages. I mean, come on, I have heard it a million times couple might say they are comps., but they act like egals. I don't know aren't we tired of this conversation yet? Aren't we ready to let women have equality in the church?

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