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October 18, 2005


Michele Miller

Sushi lovers, unite! Great post... and right on the mark. I wonder if we could break down the myriad ways business owners consciously or unconsciously stereotype everyday. There should be a list of categories or a checklist for business owners to regularly check themselves (and their websites) against, don't you?

Mary Schmidt

You mean, one can actually get full eating sushi? Those plates just keep coming and I just keep eating (believe it or not, we do have some good sushi places here in the quirky 'burque)

It is a challenge, isn't it? Successful marketers must do some profiling and categorization in order to hit the "points of passion" - be it for sushi or cars. Maybe top on the checklist, Michele, would be: 1. "Hide and watch - often." 2. Assume your assumptions are wrong at least 1/2 the time; 3. Allow yourself time and budget to try things that seem wacky. You might well find a new (andb better) market niche.


Hi Frankie, I was rrnreeifg particularly to how Hollywood addresses and presents African Americans on the big screen. Several books can probably be written on that; it's a point of contention in the African American communtiy. Have a great weekend!


Sushi File Previewer in Ubuntu 11.10 Unity One of the new features in GNOME 3.2 is quick file preivew. Pressing space while a file is selected in the file browser will open a window with a preivew of the file contents. Previews of images, videos, music, PDF documents, and more are supported.

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