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October 05, 2005


Mary Schmidt

Just shows the names change, the game stays the same. "Flim Flam man" "snake oil salesman" "paid buzz marketer" Can paid buzzing be effective? I dunno. Ultimately, it'll depend on the person and how they present the info. But, I think for buzz to be truly effective, it can't become a formalized marketing tactic.

And, Martha's problem was people don't like her. Hey, I don't like what I know of her - but I do respect her and she's a hecka of a business woman. A man would have skated on the "charges." (yes, I have very strong opinions on the boys too.)


Has anyone out there heard about WideCircles.com. It seems like a way better service then wasting money on PPC. Apparently they are using refering websites ( forums, blogs, wiki, etc. ) and have a viral word of mouth distributed approach to it. My friend told me he got around 100 visits from single post which cost him $0.40c. I am going to give them a try today . In case you are intrested here is it. http://widecircles.com?s=imt1


Thats good...



Wow, check out this site called www.fluc.com .Free SMS and free mobile ads!! Its fantastic.

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