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August 02, 2005


Karen Kane

Andrea Learned http://www.learnedonwomen.com told me about this très interesting blog discussion, and I just had to post.

France is my profession and my passion. And I have a lot of French women friends.

My experience is that they want the same things that American women want: more time, more energy, and good value for their money. They're not heavy consumers, tending to value experience - vacation, good food, time with friends, etc. - over objects.

The biggest difference I see between French and American women is that the French, regardless of age or gender, are used to deconstructing and debating just about everything. This spirit is part of family life, it's the basis of social life, and school. It informs their views on politics, literature, film, and extends to advertising. A propos of Flo's response to your Lands End post http://www.fredcavazza.net/index.php?2005/07/27/782-savez-vous-parler-aux-femmes , French women can spot a stereotype a few kilometers away.

Fred Cavazza

Hi Holly,

I am really surprised that my post send you so much traffic !

I wish to congratulate you for this blogging initiative. Even if somme comments in my post are not so clever I DO think it is really essential to dig deeper in customers' mind and buying habits.

Moreover, women (as French people !) suffers from the 'cliché' effect, i.e. not so many people understand how they really thinks and behave.

Long live to your blog,


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