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August 04, 2005


Andrea Learned

I tend to agree with you and Seth on the Real Beauty campaign, Holly - but, I also must admit that I am one of the many who has blogged positively about this recent Dove effort in the past. I had not, however, considered the long term effects, as Seth does.. and you are right, it is fascinating to get a guy's take on it. (Thanks also for your great analysis of the Real Beauty site too.)

The campaign is a "fresh" approach, for sure, and so.. just shaking things up a bit, especially in the beauty-conscious skincare business - and getting other brands to consider the possibilities in marketing to women is certainly good, in and of itself.

But, will both women and men start to perceive Dove as the "fat girl's brand"...? I'm not sure. But maybe Seth's thoughts will we inspire us to think a bit more about how the women's market may well be influenced by what the men in their lives think of the brands they choose/that will sit on their bathroom counters. I think this may be especially the case with the younger generation of women.

Mary Schmidt

Excellent points. I personally like the ads (including the clean look you noted)...however, from the longer-term perspective re "fat girls"...hmmm...Sure, most American women aren't waifs but do we really see ourselves as we are? In most cases, I'd say no. Otherwise, why would we see so many people wearing skin-tight low rider jeans that look - well - terrible (and terribly uncomfortable?) Fine line in holding up the mirror to show what we think we are - versus what the reality is.

Bayo Adekanmbi

Dove "real beauty" campaign is a classical case of insight-driven ad that explored how a brand can address a contradiction in order to establish meaning and trigger affinity.
I have always believed that a brand is a product which has earned a place in consumers’ lives by "massaging" consumers' ego or sense of self until a mental relationship is built.
Douglas Holt captured it better in “How brands become icon” where he advocated that brands must deliver beliefs that the consumers can use to manage the exigencies of a world that increasingly threatens their identities. Brands must become a cultural activist and a social authority
"Exploiting" the research fact that ONLY 2% of women worldwide considered themselves beautiful is a great way to become the champion of the remaining 98% using a compelling philosophy that "Real beauty come from within
Great work of all times

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