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July 29, 2005


Mary Schmidt

Keeping in mind that we're not the target audience...I agree the web site is poorly done. What's the purpose? to sell Chicken fries? Ring tones? What? What? Plus, if you do click on chicken fries, that's a deadend. You can't go home or back. And, if this site is designed to sell - let's face it - dead chicken - do we really want a dead chicken look? Very unappetizing. I give them a A for creativity, a F- for business smarts.

Susan Carroll

I'm wondering if offensive advertising really works? From what I've gathered, and just plain intuition, Mothers are not thrilled with anatomically explicit ads written by emotionally stunted males for adolescents. But I may be wrong.


Hi Alana, Checking in after work again. I hope you dont get to tired of me!! All the Ordano Clan is honoured to help out with the beer and bgurer night. My Mom is so sweet, she doesnt know you I dont think but, but she of course knows your Dad from Save On and she knows how passionate I am about ball and my slo-pitch friends and how wonderful they have always been to me that she wants to help out too. So does my Dad and Steve. As you know, many years ago we went through a tough time and we were supported and helped by so many people, so for us to help out in any way, we are all in!!Have a wonderful sun shiny day tomorrow!Lots of Love Tracey O and the Fam!

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